
Finding the Best Gel Blaster Gun: Buy Best 7 Blasters (High Range)

Are you a fun fanatic? Love to play exciting games? You have come to the exact place for your craze. Today, we will explore the world of the best gel blaster gun.

Gel-blaster guns will lead you to your imaginary world of adventures and actions. Here, you can experience the peak of thrilling recreation. Gel blasters are not just toys; they are the empire of action lovers.

Now, the wondering thing is how a gel blaster can be “best” out of other weapons. Gel blasters are the craze not only for their design and cool names; they are really good in their work. They provide an easy-to-use facility to their users. Fill the gel container, fix it on the blaster, and start the action replay.

If you are really in deep love with gel blasters and want to get one, you should know every little thing about them. Their specifications, prices, and whatever you need to know, we will lead you to the best gel blaster gun. Stay connected until the end, and let us know which is more reliable.

Before getting in-depth into what is the best gel blaster gun, we will guide you about what is gel blaster guns.

Gel Blaster Gun: Brief Introduction

A gel blaster gun is a toy weapon that blasts water-based gel balls. These gel balls are the grain size and stored in dry condition. Before using the gel blaster, soak these balls for nearly 2 hours. They will get bigger about 7-8mm.

To let you know more about what is the best gel blaster gun?

Working of the Gel Blaster Gun

The gel blaster works similarly to the airsoft gun. Their functioning includes an elastically fixed pump. This pump uses air pressure to fire the gel balls from the gun. Gel blasters mostly come with batteries and motors, which help fire the ball with more speed. Inversely, some gel blasters have gas canisters to fire the projectiles. It is the source of more power to the blaster.

There is a twist: gel blaster guns don’t have more velocity than airsoft guns. Gel blaster shoots their projectile with an average velocity of 200ft per second. However, this speed is not so fast, it is safe to use.

Though gel blasters are toy weapons, keeping safety measures in mind is essential. We will discuss the safety of using these gel blasters later.

How Can We Use a Gel Blaster Gun?

Gel blaster guns are usually used in planned and action games. They are not only the choice of kids; adults also love gel blasters. They are advantageous as the gel balls are easily available. The gel balls are made up of environmentally friendly stuff. These beads are biodegradable and can easily be disposed of.

There is also a variety of gel blaster guns. One has the shower-like grenade which splits the beads in all directions. On the other hand, a blaster gun shoots all the stored balls in the front direction.

Is Using the Gel Blasters Safe?

Using the gel blaster gun is safer than paintball guns or airsoft guns. Their low velocity makes them safer, even for the kids. Besides all these benefits, gel guns also have some cons. If you use these guns carelessly, they can cause severe injuries. They can damage the eyes, ears, or other sensitive body areas. That is the reason why some countries restrict these blaster guns.

If you are allowed to use gel blaster guns, you should remember safety precautions.

  • Never fire on the eyes of another person.
  • Use safety goggles.
  • Never shoot without a second person’s permission.
  • Keep children away from the gel blaster gun.
  • Wear a proper safety costume.
  • Leave the gun unloaded always.
  • Never use local or unapproved balls in your gun.
  • Follow the rules and regulations regarding blater guns.

This was a brief overview of the best gel ball blaster gun.

You will get enough knowledge by reading this guide on what is the best gel blaster gun, how they work, and how to use them.

Further, we will explore the different products regarding the best gel blaster guns. This will help you to guide with the best product.

Buy the 7 Best Gel Blaster Guns (Quick List)

SplatRball SRB400-SUB Gel blaster Gun kit

SplatRball SRB400-SUB Gel blaster Gun kit

Main Features:

  • AEG Style
  • Full and semi-auto mode
  • 8+ rounds/s with 200+ fps velocity
  • 7.5mm water-based beads
  • The capacity of 400 rounds of water balls
  • 7.4V 1800mAh battery

Nerf Modulus Fully Motorized Blaster

Nerf Modulus Fully Motorized Blaster

Main Features:

  • 3 modes fire (single, burst, and continuous)
  • Personalized with a swivel handle
  • 2 different barrel scopes, ages 8+

Hasbro Nerf Modulus ECS Motorized Blaster

Hasbro Nerf Modulus ECS Motorized Blaster

Main Features:

  • Motorized dart
  • Removable accessories
  • Semi-automatic mode
  • 5 darts per second fire rate
  • 78 feet (flat) 90 feet (angled) range

Nerf Pro Gelfire X MrBeast

Nerf Pro Gelfire X MrBeast

Main Features:

  • 20,000 dehydrated rounds
  • Fully automatic mode
  • Removable barrel
  • 10+ rounds per second
  • 300 rounds hopper

Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic

Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic

Main features:

  • 10,000 dehydrated rounds
  • 800 rounds hopper
  • Full auto and semi-auto mode
  • Rechargeable battery
  • 10 rounds per second

Gel Blaster The Supersized Surge XL

Gel Blaster The Supersized Surge XL

Main Features:

  • 3 modes (single shot, triple burst, rapid fire)
  • 150 feet fire range
  • 250 fps velocity
  • 4 hours of playtime with a rechargeable battery

NLFGUW Electric Gel Ball Blaster

NLFGUW Electric Gel Ball Blaster

Main Features:

  • 60,000 water beads
  • 66 feet fire range
  • Automated mode

1- Specialities Makes SplatRball SRB400-SUB Pro Gel Blaster

It’s time to review the best gel ball blaster gun online. This product will never let you regret it for the rest of time. This is not just a toy gun; this gel blaster gun is a full package of recreation in it.

The key features of this product are so amazing that you will never stop yourself from getting this one. This kit includes everything that you wish to have once in your life. Its 7.4V 1800 maH rechargeable battery will allow you to enjoy quality time with your action fellows.

Not only this, but this top-rated gel blaster delivers 8 rounds per second with a fully automatic rate. It has a 400-round magazine. Its 1800 maH battery shoots the gel ball with 200 fps velocity.

SplatRball SRB400-SUB Pro Gel Blaster

SplatRball SRB400-SUB Pro Gel Blaster

Splat R Ball Everything with The Electric Blaster able to Shoot up to 200fps! Splatter Gun

  • Fabric Type
  • Made in the USA or Imported
  • 【Semi/Full Auto Action】8 rounds per second fully auto fire rate. 400 round magazine. Rechargeable battery sends ammo 200 fps downrange.

Wait, wait, wait! This was the only climax; the story is rest behind. The SplatRball gel blaster gun has unending 10,000 water gel ball beads in its kit. This best gel ball blaster gun provides a huge playtime to its players. The kit has eye protection goggles, a sling, a sling clip, and a charging cable.

This product has unending benefits. Its water gel balls are made up of a special material. They became fully dried after being fired. These water-based gel beads did not leave any stain. They are soft and safe to fire on other people.

Safety Precautions

Though the SplatRball gel blaster gun has several benefits, safety is the priority. Always remember some key points of the safety measures.

  • Never play without safety goggles.
  • Read and follow the guidelines and precautions provided with the product.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • This is safe to play, but never let kids below 14.


  • SplatRball gel blaster has a more comfortable grip on it.
  • SplatRball has a confirmed grip on its magazine.
  • SplatRball blaster gun has removable parts that can be cut off to clean and repair.
  • It has two modes. You can switch any mode using this gun.


  • With 8 rounds per second, SplatRball has a slow firing rate.


  • Style: AEG Style
  • Velocity: 200 fps
  • Firing rate: 8 rounds per second
  • Mode: auto and semi-auto modes
  • Battery life: 7.4V 1800 maH

2- Nerf Modulus Fully Motorized Blaster

No matter whether you are from this generation or the one before this, gel blaster guns should be your favourite one. This is the product that delivers equal entertainment to everyone.

Nerf Modulus Fully Motorized Blaster

Nerf Modulus Fully Motorized Blaster

Nerf Modulus Regulator Fully Motorized Blaster, 3 Firing Modes (Amazon Exclusive)

  • NERF MODULUS REGULATOR BLASTER WITH SWITCHFIRE TECHNOLOGY FOR 3 FIRING MODES: Single-fire 1 dart per trigger pull, burst-fire several darts per trigger pull, or continuous-fire all the darts
  • FULLY MOTORIZED NERF BLASTER, 2 CLIPS AND 24 DARTS: This Nerf automatic blaster includes 2x 12-dart clips and 24 Nerf Elite foam darts. Requires 4x 1.5v C alkaline batteries (not included)

Nerf modulus fully motorized blaster is not only for kids; it is the best gel blaster gun for adults. Its triple mode provides you with a huge action time. With just one click you can switch to your favourite mode.

Nerf modulus gel blaster offers you the following modes:

  • Single fire
  • Burst fire
  • Continuous fire

This realistic gel blaster comes with 2 clips having 12 darts in each and 24 foam darts in its packaging. There are 2 removable barrel scopes in the gun, attached as extension and targeted scopes. You will also get this gel blaster gun for sale on Amazon.


  • Offers 3 different modes of firing.
  • A bunch of accessories with the original product.
  • Gives a strong grip on the magazine.


  • Do not have the battery inside the gel blaster.


3 modes are available:

  • 1- single fire mode( one dart on one trigger pull)
  • 2- Burst fire mode( more than one dart per trigger pull)
  • 3- Continuous fire mode ( continuous dart on all trigger pulls)
  • 2 barrel scopes
  • One swivel handle
  • 2×12 clips and 24 darts

3- Hasbro Nerf Modulus ECS Motorized Blaster

You must know the NERF guns if you are a gel-blaster gun lover. Nerf is well known for the production of gel blaster guns. If you are choosing a tou gun from Nerf, it will be your best investment.

Hasbro Nerf Modulus ECS Motorized Blaster

Hasbro Nerf Modulus ECS Motorized Blaster

Nerf Modulus ECS Motorized Blaster, Removable Scope, Drop Grip, Barrel, Stock, 10-Dart Clip (Amazon Exclusive)

  • MORE THAN 30 COMBINATIONS: The motorized Nerf Modulus ECS-10 blaster includes Nerf accessories to create lots of different play styles. Change the look of the blaster for every Nerf game
  • INCLUDES NERF SCOPE, DROP GRIP, DUAL-RAIL BARREL EXTENSION, AND STORAGE STOCK: The removable accessories let you create multiple blaster combinations

Hasbro Nerf is offering you 30-plus combinations. You can assemble your blaster in different designs. With this vast variety of combinations, you will enjoy one toy gun in different ways.

This product is semi-automated, so the firing rate mostly depends on the fighter. But even without modifying the blaster, you can fire a far-away shot. Hasbro Nerf fired a shot with 5 darts per second firing rate. Its firing range can vary from 78 feet to 90 feet.


  • With 30+ combinations, you can design your blaster with your own choice.
  • The projectile will fired far away with a range of 90 feet.
  • The packaging has an extra scope, with which you can focus more on your target.
  • Sometimes, you will face trouble with jams during the shooting time.


  • Requires 4x 1.5v AA alkaline batteries, which are not included in the packaging.


  • Firing rate: 5 darts per second
  • Firing range: 78-90 feet
  • Recommended age: 8+

4- Nerf Pro Gelfire X MrBeast

Nerf pro gelfire x MrBeast is a top-rated ge blaster in online stores. This gel blaster gun has specific blasts; they will burst at the fired point when you shoot them. This gun provides several rounds with a good speed of fire.

Nerf Pro Gelfire X MrBeast Blaster

4- Nerf Pro Gelfire X MrBeast

Nerf Pro Gelfire X MrBeast Full Auto Blaster & 20,000 Gelfire Rounds, 300 Round Hopper, Rechargeable Battery, Eyewear, Ages 14 & Up

  • NERF PRO GELFIRE BLASTERS: They fire hydrated rounds that burst on impact and deliver high-performance blasting to ignite your competitive advantage. Ages 14 and up
  • NERF PRO GELFIRE X MR BEAST BLASTER: Takes its inspiration from Mr Beast aka Jimmy Donaldson, an American digital creator who has amassed over 100 million subscribers in the last 10 years and become an icon amongst younger generations around the world

Nerf Mrbeast collaborated with “MrBeast,” an American creator. He became famous among the young generation in the previous 10 years. He has more than 100 million followers.

The water-based gel balls come dehydrated along the blaster. You have to soak them in the water and keep them hydrated. There are an extra 20,000 dehydrated gel-based polymer beads in the packaging.

You will get a rechargeable 7.5 500maH battery and 300 rounds hopper capacity.


  • Fully automated mode of firing.
  • Huge capacity of rounds in the hopper.
  • Rechargeable battery.


  • Its gel balls are not reusable.


  • Fully and semi-automated modes
  • 300 rounds hopper capacity
  • High-velocity
  • 7.5V 500maH Rechargeable battery

5- Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic

Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic is a selected mode blaster gun. It has full and semi-auto modes, which can be switched even while playing. It has a faster fire rate than other Nerf blasters. When switched to fully automated mode, this will fire the shoot with a higher fire rate.

Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic Blaster

Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic Blaster

Nerf Pro Gelfire Mythic Full Auto Blaster & 10,000 Gelfire Rounds, 800 Round Hopper, Rechargeable Battery, Eyewear, Ages 14 & Up

  • BURST INTO BATTLE WITH NERF PRO GELFIRE BLASTERS: The blasters fire hydrated rounds that burst on impact and deliver high-performance blasting to ignite your competitive advantage. Ages 14 and up.Batteries Required?:yes

Nerf mythic is found sturdy and soothing when firing a shot. Even its converting system from semi-auto to fully automatic is also manageable. This blaster is very calm; fill the hopper magazine with hydrated gel balls and start your adventure at the point.

In short, the Nerf Gelfire Mythic is a complete package of fun and action at one rate. This powerful gel blaster gun will never disappoint you in the sense of jest.


  • No worries about cleaning the mess.
  • Incredible, eye-catching design.
  • Bulk of ammo.
  • Rechargeable battery.


  • The next round takes a long time to hydrate.
  • Gel balls are often stuck in the hopper.


  • Available with 2 modes(semi and fully automatic)
  • Per second 10 rounds
  • 800 rounds hopper capacity
  • Ten thousand dehydrated water-based gel polymer beads along with a blaster.

6- Gel Blaster The Supersized Surge XL

The Surge XL is the blaster called the master of all the gel blaster guns. Its unique design and colour make it different from all other blasters. The combination of white, green, and grey is eye-catching.

Gel Blaster The Supersized Surge XL

Gel Blaster The Supersized Surge XL

Nerf Modulus ReguThe Supersized Gel Blaster Surge XL – Longest 150+ Foot Range – Extreme Power & Adjustability – Fastest Blaster with 150-250 FPS – Semi, Full-Auto, Triple Burst Modes – Ages 14+lator Fully Motorized Blaster, 3 Firing Modes (Amazon Exclusive)

  • The Biggest, Baddest Gel Blaster: Surge XL is the ultimate supersized Gel Blaster powerhouse designed for total battlefield domination. Leave the haters in awe as you blast targets 150 feet away at a blazing speed of up to 250 feet per second. Plus, Surge XL’s hopper has a Gellet capacity of more than 1,000 so you can keep the blasts coming!

Surge XL is known for its colour and design, and its bulk of accessories make it a top-rated gel blaster. You will find a hopper with an extra 1000 pre-hydrated gel balls. There is another package of 10,000 dehydrated gel balls, which are an unending source of action. It can lower the velocity of the blaster from 250 fps to 170 fps.

To use the blaster long-term, keep it safe from breaking down. Battery should also be kept safe. Let the battery away from being wet. Water can damage the battery.


  • Unique slim, smart design and colour combination.
  • Handful and light in weight.
  • It comes with a lot of accessories.
  • More chances of winning the game.


  • Gel balls are dangerous to eat.


  • Modes: 3 modes are available
  • Range: 150 feet firing range
  • Velocity: 250 feet per second velocity

7- NLFGUW Electric Gel Ball Blaster

NLFGUW gel blaster is not only a fun fellow but also eco-friendly. When it shoots a fire, the ball will burst immediately and not leave any stain on the wall or clothes. You don’t need to clean.

NLFGUW Electric Gel Ball Blaster Gun

NLFGUW Electric Gel Ball Blaster Gun

NLFGUW Electric Gel Ball Blaster Toys,Eco-Friendly Splatter Ball Blaster with 60000+ Water Beads,Automatic Outdoor Toys for Activities Team Game,for Adults and Kids Ages 12+(Blue)

  • Gel ball blaster-Cool outdoor game:An exciting team game.The gel ball blaster is safe.When it is launched, it will burst immediately when it meets an obstacle and will not leave stains on walls or clothes, without the need for cleaning.

To enhance its credibility, the NLFGUW gel blaster is upgraded. The wondering thing is that 60,000 gel balls are in the side of the gun blaster. This means unending happiness and action.


  • The gun blaster is not harmful to the environment. It’s eco-friendly.
  • Its new version is upgraded.
  • The best thing is that the manufacturers will guide you even after the sale.


  • Sometimes, the range is improper, and it will be difficult for you to handle.


  • 66 feet firing rate
  • 60,000 gel balls
  • Fully automated mode

How to introduce a gel blaster gun?

A gel blaster gun is a toy weapon that is the best source of “fun”. It is not only for kids, it the best gel blaster gun for adults. Its projectiles are made with a material that can absorb water. These beads are dried, and they change to a foamy form after soaking in water. Some blasters are fully automated and work with fixed motors and batteries.

Is getting a blaster can be a waste of time and money?

It will be your best purchase if you are an action lover and love to play adventurous games. These blasters are a great source of fun and thrill. After playing with the best gel gun blaster, you will get an energy booster.

How much water gel balls do you need for the blaster gun?

It depends on the size of the magazine of the blaster. The average capacity of the hopper is about 700 water balls. However, some hoppers are bigger so that they can feed a large number of beads. You can easily buy a bulk of water beads, around 10,000 to 20,000, and so on.

Final Words

After analyzing different products, we hope that you can find your best gel blaster gun. They are a good source of entertainment for the kids and adults. Getting a good blaster is the best investment for your outdoor activities.

There are different types of blasters, in which you can easily get a cheap gel blaster.

If there is any difficulty regarding the blasters, feel free to contact us.

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Emily Sofia
With a natural curiosity and a passion for storytelling, She bring a fresh perspective to every piece she write.


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